Natural Flake Graphite 1594
Natural Flake Graphite +298
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Natural Flake Graphite +198


Product Name Natural Flake Graphite
Manufactured by Qingdao Unimate Graphite Co., Ltd.
Specification +198

Certificate of Analysis



Certificate No.s Date of Testing Order Q’ty
Batch No.s Q’ty of Testing Record



Items Unit Acceptance Requirements Typical Note
 Chemical Composition
Fixed Carbon % 98.17 100-(Ash+Volatile matter)
Ash  % 1.60 Fired until constant-weight at 950 to 970℃
Volatile matter  % 0.23 900℃±20℃×7min maintaince
Partical Size Analysis
‘+100 Mesh  % 82
Other Properties
PH  %
Moisture  % 0.22
Tap Density g/cm3


Tested by: (Lab Technician) Checked by: (Lab Manager)
Zhang Shuyan Yu Shenghui
Approved by: (QC Manager) Conclusions:
Liu Yongling Qualified